60KG Gyro stabilized EO system UAV Gimbal camera with MWIR And SWIR And NIR Drone Payloads

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Drone Payloads,Specialized Drone Payloads,High-Precision Drone Payloads

  • Product Name:60KG Gyro stabilized EO system UAV Gimbal camera with MWIR And SWIR And NIR Drone Payloads
  • Product category: B-multispectral、Big size、UAV Gimbal Camera、drone payloads
  • 1) product presentation
HP490D5900EOMSNWIRLRLIFG24 is a gyro-stabilized electro-optic system featuring a 30X EO sensor, three infrared sensors (cooled MWIR sensor, SWIR, and black and white NIR), a 30km laser rangefinder, and an impressive laser irradiation distance exceeding 16km. The system incorporates a 360° continuous rotation servo motor and has a total weight of around 60kg. The airborne electro-optical system, HP490D5900EOMSNWIRLRLIFG24, stands out for its lightweight design, incorporating mature and highly accurate pan-tilt servo system technology.
This advanced system is versatile and can be seamlessly integrated into various platforms, including UAVs, ships, and vehicles, meeting the diverse operational needs of both maritime and aerial environments.

    1.The target detection range of IR camera is up to 40KM and the target recognition range is up to 30KM(target size 3m*6m).

    2.IR camera Resolution up to 1080P.

    3.The focal length of IR camera is 1125mm(NIR).

    4.The target detection range of Visible light camera is up to 24KM and the target recognition range is up to 19KM(target size 3m*6m).

    5.Visible light camera has an optical zoom is 13X.

    6.The range of laser ranging is up to 30KM.

    2) Feature Brief
    1.Provides visible and infrared video and images of the target area

    2.The ability to stabilize the visual axis

    3.Target tracking and detection capabilities

    4.self checking function

    5.Support laser ranging

    6.Provide support for target positioning and laser ranging, enabling precise targeting and measurement capabilities.

    7.Supports target position, laser ranging, and laser irradiation.

    8.Offers laser instructions for laser-guided weapons and supports user-defined laser precise frequency codes.

    3) Technical Specificas

HP490D5900EOMSNWIRLRLIFG24 Parameter Parameter Values
IR camera Probe Type MWIR NIR SWIR
working Spectrum Range 3.7μm~4.8μm
Probe Resolution Ratio 1280×1024
Pixel Size 15μm

Lens Focal Length 45-300mm/900mm(optional)
Horizontal Field Of View HFOV 24.08°×19.37°-3.67°×2.93°,1.2°×0.96°
Image Display Colorization support
Target Detection Distance Vehicle(Target Size 2.3mX2.3m) 22KM
Vehicle(Target Size 2.3mX2.3m) 40KM
Vehicle(Target Size 2.3mX2.3m) 30KM
Target Recognition Distance Vehicle(Target Size 2.3mX2.3m 19 KM
Vehicle(Target Size 2.3mX2.3m) 30KM
Vehicle(Target Size 2.3mX2.3m) 20KM
Visible light camera Probe Type Exmor CMOS
Camera Resolution 1920×1080
Spectrum Range 0.4μm~0.7μm
Pixel Size 4μm
Optical Zoom 13X
Focal Length 20mm-261mm
Horizontal Viewing Angle Field of View 21.7°x12.3°1.7×0.9°
Target Detection Distance Vehicle(Target Size 2.3mX2.3m) 24KM
Target Recognition Distance Vehicle(Target Size 2.3mX2.3m 19 KM
Laser range finder Working Wave Length 1064nm
Emitting Power ≥90mj
Laser beam receiving field of view Angle 0.45mrad
Laser beam emission divergence Angle ≤0.15mrad
Maximum Measuring Range 30KM
Blind Zone 200m 
Resolution <±3m
Measuring Frequency 1-20Hz
Laser Pointer, Near-IR Wave Length 1064nm
Range Irradiation distance:≥16km
Covert Active Laser Illuminator Wave Length 1064nm
Servo performance Rotation n×360°
Pitch +20°~-110°
Angular Accuracy 0.035°
Stabilization Accuracy ≤0.00057°(10μrad)
Max. angular speed Ratation:70°/S,Pitch:35°/S
Max. angular acceleration Rptation≥185°/S²,Pitch≥132°/S²
System parameter Power Supply 28VDC,Range:18V~30V
Power Consumption ≤700W
Net Weight ≤60kg
Size ≤Φ490mm×650mm
IR camera Communication Interface J599 Fiber channel
Video Interface J599 Fiber channel
IR camera IP Rating IP67
keywords:HP490D5900EOMSNWIRLRLIFG24、Drone Payloads、gimbal on drone

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